welcome to our little cloud
welcome to our little cloud
Alphabetical index
Plugs for some friends:
Naturalistes Romands | Amis du Museum | GVM | Oasis Egypte |
Excursions à Genève | one of the top 10 in Europe | Fly Electric! | Exclusive tours |
LIVECODE | iwaxx | MadeWithLove | Empowerment through Education |
write your own software! | software & services | internet applications | Start a child’s education |
This site attempts to follow the W3C standards. Please use a browser that complies with the W3C standards. Read how to manipulate the SVGs
Tools used to make this site (in alphabetical order): Affinity Designer/Affinity Photo, BBEdit, Keyboard Maestro, and a load of utilities I wrote in LiveCode.
styles: | JS debugging: | Local Storage: | |
Desktop | OFF | ||
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